Mitigating Risk by Visualizing Hidden Assets with AR


The Esri case study, Mitigating Risk by Visualizing Hidden Assets with Augmented Reality, details how Argis Solutions’ augmented reality technology provided real return on investment for Whiting Petroleum’s One Call Department. This paper delves deeper into how Whiting used field ready augmented reality tools to improve their geospatial data on remote wellpads. The ability to quality check geospatial data while locating saved Whiting Petroleum time and money. Better data for underground assets also improved safety for their technicians and contractors:  

Coupling Esri® GIS with Argis in Whiting’s One Call department has enabled the company to save an average of 30 minutes locating each asset. For Whiting, a company that locates thousands of assets a year, this saves a huge amount of time, resources, and money. The new process reduces paperwork, eliminates time-consuming analysis, and provides a higher level of quality assurance. Whiting field staff can now perform their operations more efficiently and effectively while maximizing the company’s return on investment..   


Esri Case Study: Colorado Community Saves Thousands Using AR and ArcGIS® Online


Capturing and Refining GIS Data with AR